Micah March 2009 was a complete success and we cannot thank everyone enough for all of their love, hardwork and participation!
To see friends, family, the community and the body of Christ some together to Love and support Micah and the Marshall family was a beautiful sight to see!
We waited a while to post this because money is continuing to come in...but the wait is over
We had 113 walkers (not including all the children that walked)!
200 attended the dinner!
We raised ...drumroll please...$12, 500 and still more coming in!
Below are some pictures from the event thanks to shannon dawn photography...but if any of you have picture they want to share please email me at cristinharrell@yahoo.com and we can post more!
Thanks again to:
Ojai Valley Baptist Church for Hosting!
Abigail Davidson and John Harrell and friends for performing!
All our amazing sponsors, particiapants, volunteers and
the Strong Family for UNITE FOR THE CURE!
To keep posted on Micah please visit:
Don and Joe Marshall enjoying the walk:)